With Smash Bros coming in a few weeks, I have been looking at new characters to play at Smash Ultimate.

One of the characters that I liked to play was the freshest new members from Splatoon, Inkling. Inkling is one of the new arrivals to Smash Ultimate, using a plethora of weapons from the colourful shooter and using their ink to get ahead of the game.


Character Costumes (Credit to PG|Cosmos)


Special Ability: Ink

Animated GIF


If your opponent gets hit by any of the ink attacks, they will start getting covered by ink, and while they are covered, they will take more damage from your attacks. However, the ink will wear off over time; the Inklings can run out of ink which can limit their moves so it’s important to manage their ink and recharge. The way to recharge their ink tank is to press Shield+B at the same time, but this will leave them vulnerable, so it’s best to use it when you have the advantage such as when you have hit your opponent offstage for example.


Inkling GIF

Inkling has fast ground movement and a good dash dance, especially when they have their ink under them, similar to their game of origin, Splatoon. During their dash animation, they transform and swim in their squid form which could make them a lot harder to hit with the smaller hitbox.



Dash Attack

Dash attack is an elbow strike.

Animated GIF


Jab begins with a finger jab to a kick to a rapid jab combo with the Splattershot which will cover the opponent in ink.

Animated GIF


Up Special – Super Jump

Their Up B is a fairly fast recovery with a good range. it has a hitbox from startup and when they land.

Animated GIF

Side Special – Roller

Roller can bury opponents into the ground if they are hit by it and can be cancelled by pressing B.it also lays ink on the ground whihc slows enemys down. Inking gets a slight speed boost while using side B.

Animated GIF

Neutral Special – Splattershot

Splattershot is a mid range attack that covers opponents with ink on impact. Inkling cannot move when using this but can angle the attack. It has little knockback.

Animated GIF


Down Special – Splat Bomb

Inkling throws the splat bomb which covers the opponent with ink on impact. They can choose to throw it a short or long distace by tapping or holding the special button instead.

Animated GIF


Smash Attacks

(They all cover the opponent in ink)

Up Smash: Blaster

Aims the Blaster upwards. Has a hitbox when it comes out and it combos to the hitbox on top, similar to Marth/Lucina’s Up-Smash.

Animated GIF

Forward Smash: InkBrush

Swings the Brush in front of them.

Animated GIF

Down Smash: Slosher

Swings the Slosher on both sides.

Animated GIF


F-Tilt: Swings it’s Splattershot horizontally

D-Tilt: Does a small breakdance attack

U-Tilt: A swinging upwards kick

Grab and Throws.

Pummel: Stomps on the opponent

Up Throw: Hits opponent up with the head of the squid form.

Forward Throw: Fires the Splattershot at the opponent at point blank range.

Back throw: Turns into the squid form and throws you; has killing potential.

Down Throw: Slams opponents into the ground.

Aerial attacks

Back Air: Swings the Splattershot behind themselves.

Forward Air: Does a dropkick in front of themselves.

Up Air: Two Spinning kicks above themselves.

Neutral Air: A spinning kick that hits on both sides.

Down Air: Swings the Splattershot below themselves which can spike.


My Final Thoughts

I feel that Inkling will be a heavy rushdown character with the primary emphasis of covering your opponent with ink and taking advantage of them and hitting them with your attacks. However, with the added ink gauge, you have to be aware of the best times to attack and the times when you have to go on the defensive and recharge your ink. But with good pressure and average zoning tools, I feel that this could be a viable character in Ultimate.


Dragon Smash Inkling moveset Breakdown and Character Mechanics (used this video for gifs): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQira7VR47g&t=54s

Cosmos: Character Skins @CosmosZR

Written by 2WD|Soopah @soopahgamer

Edited by 2WD|2V: @lim_lammin